Sunday, May 2, 2010

I finally did it...

After years of following my friends and families blogs, I decided they may want to follow mine too...especially now that Mike and I have more to share!

Sooo, here goes! Friday marked the 16th week into my pregnancy. I can't even tell you how great it is to be out of the 1st trimester. Even though I'm experiencing more symptoms now (tired, cranky, tired, bloated, tired, hungry and more that I won't share:)) I finally feel and look pregnant and can breathe a sigh of relief that we are out of the "danger zone".

All weekend I thought I was feeling gas bubbles in my tummy, but as I'm writting this, I'm beginning to think my babies have started to give me love taps.

Here's a picture of them at 12 weeks:
BABY A-Not the best picture. There really is arms and legs!

BABY B-Waving hello!

Mike wants to document my growing belly each month. As long as I don't get too huge I'll keep sharing! This was my first day of officially wearing prego pants!


  1. I am SOOO happy to see you guys doing a blog. Can't wait to watch it all and meet those two precious babes!

  2. yahoo! Welcome to bloggie are the cutest!

  3. I don't like that I had to find out about this by looking at my Google Analytics. But I'm loving the update and baby photos! xoox

  4. Congratulations!! How exciting that you're having twins!!! :)

  5. Congrats!! I am so excited for you

  6. Welcome to the blogging world Rothie and Mike. I'm so excited for you two and the adventures that are to come.

  7. OH MY GOODNESS I am so excited for you! I have an obsession with twins, you are in for such a treat - AMAZING!!!! So happy for you and Mike - can't wait for the exciting times ahead!
