Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What we've been up to the last couple of weeks

Great Grandma Korfhage came for a visit and we helped her celebrate her 86th birthday.
We took a trip to Tucson with Grandpa Roth and Gran Nan. We went for some sun and warm weather. We got the sun but it was in the 30s the first couple of days. Trying to find warm hats was not easy!
Going for a walk out in the cold with Dad!
Taking some good long naps.
We finally got a picture of Avery smiling! Emma smiles a ton but gets a blank look on her face the second the big black camera comes out.
Emma does great during tummy time...
and Avery prefers to sit up.
And Emma and Avery turned 4 months old! They talk and smile a lot now and we even got a little giggle out of Emma. You can just see the wheels turning in their heads as they look around and grab things now.

1 comment:

  1. So cute! When do you go back to work? We need to chat soon! Griffin slept for 6 straight hours last night! Woohoo! That is a record for him. Miss you and the girls!
