Tuesday, February 15, 2011


First of all happy late Valentine's Day to everyone! We had the perfect night at home last night with Chinese food, champagne, chocolate cake, playing with our little loves and The Bachelor.

Anyone who has children will agree that infants change so quickly (too quickly in my book) and anyone who knows me knows I don't do well with change, I like to have a routine and stick to it. I find myself trying to squish A&E into their newborn clothes and keeping the same schedule we had a month ago. Well their toes are about to poke holes in their PJ's and they are showing me that their schedule will change everyday. My good friend Courtney gave me the advice that instead of focusing on what they used to be embrace the present moment and be excited for the next stage.

So, my friends that is how I am coping with all of the changes about to come. A&E are officially moving into their own room and cribs tonight and...after almost 7 months I go back to work tomorrow. I am so going to miss my days with my little loves...staying in our PJ's till noon, long walks around Greenlake, watching them smile and discover things for the first time, and most of all holding and loving them whenever I want. I know the next couple of days are going to be hard, but I am just going to focus on the time we spend together and the memories we have to make in the future.

I love you my little Valentine's. Know that I will be missing you every second I am gone.


  1. I am sending good thoughts your way! You're right...it's probably going to be really hard, but I know it will get easier as each day goes on. I am so proud of you, you are doing an AMAZING job being a fabulous Mom to those sweet little twinnies! Happy almost first day back at Nordies! :)

  2. Thinking of you today! I hope the transition back to work goes well. Love you!

  3. You are wonderful at everything you do friend. You are a great momma, wife, friend, and now big time boss:) Love you!
