Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Weekends of babies and projects...

I know, I know, I've been a bad blogger lately. But honestly, I do have some good excuses.

1. Since we found out we're having girls much of my time has been spent decorating the nursery and shopping!

2. The arrival of my dear friend Courtney's beautiful baby girl Charlotte Grace. She is just the sweetest little baby. I can only hope my girls are as easy as she is! 3. I procrastinated at finishing the baby blanket for Charlotte and actually finished it at 5AM the morning she was born.
4. My sister and my nephew Cole came to Seattle for a weekend. Cole showed off his somersault skills and loved petting my Dad's dog Brinkley. We went down to Puyallup for my second cousin Lily's 1st birthday.

5. The Johnson family came to Seattle for the weekend! DeLane and Kevin went to a wedding one night so I got some practice in babysitting little Parker. She wasn't so sure about me at first but after I brought in the dogs she was the happiest girl! She is at such a fun stage right now laughing and crawling everywhere. She even snuck off and found her favorite treats and opened them by herself!

6. I traveled for my last time before the babes arrive to Denver for Cole's 2nd birthday. I had so much fun spending time with Cole, Stacey and Harold and enjoying a real summer with temperatures in the high 80s. I wish they lived closer so we had more time together! I just can't get enough of Cole's hugs and kisses and hearing him say "Auntie, Auntie, Auntie" whenever I would leave the room.

His favorite thing right now is tractors and he got about 10 of them for his birthday!

My sister bought us cute tee shirts that say "There's Two Peas In My Pod". Can you guess who is further along? I am so excited for us to go through the twin journey together!
Cole really hasn't hit the "Terrible Two's" yet, but he did get sent to time out and I couldn't resist taking a picture:)
5. I'm really starting to feel pregnant. Sleeping has become much more uncomfortable and all I want to do at the end of the day is put my feet up, zone out to bad TV and feel my little peanuts wiggle around. That being said, I'm off to bed!!!


  1. Yay! Good update! You guys look soooo cute in your shirts, they are darling! I can't wait to see the progress you are making on the nursery! Glad you had fun in Colorado friend! :)

  2. Love this update! The shirts your sister bought are so cute. Little Cole is adorable! I need to see you soon - it's been way too long!

  3. Kim! How exciting - I had no idea your sister was having twins too. SO MUCH FUN! Does she know what she is having? Can't wait to see updates to the nursery! ;)

  4. We LOVE the blanket you made, it is the best! You girls darling in you shirts, so cute!

  5. FINALLY!!! A post:) I read it a little bit ago and didn't have time to comment. However, I love all this baby time you are getting. All practice for those little girls coming up. Heart you and can't wait to see you soon.
