...and I am finally home! After 5 weeks and 1 day the doctors finally decided it was safe for me to come home on meds and bedrest. I cannot tell you how happy I was to be in my own bed, see my puppies and spend more time with Mike. He was a trooper through the whole hospital stay bringing me dinner after work, running errands and taking care of everything at home by himself. Luckily I only had one little meltdown the whole time-sorry honey!
My mom came over the day after I got home to help get the nursery together. After 7 hours and 5 loads of laundry we are pretty much ready. Pictures are coming soon! Mike has had a lot of fun putting things together and he is really looking forward to installing the carseats:)
Now the waiting really begins...it is crazy to think that after 2 years, the baby (times two!) that we prayed for could be here any day. We cannot wait to meet the little peanuts and hold them in our arms. Will they look alike? Will their personalities be totally different? Will we really be able to handle two at the same time?
As I'm waiting, my stomach continues to grow very quickly...I'm not sure if there is much more room for them in there!