Tuesday, August 3, 2010

More favorites

Thank goodness Erin was able to fit us into her busy summer schedule for some pictures because little did we know that I would be on strict bedrest in the hospital just a couple days later. I don't think they would have turned out as well at Swedish:) More to come on that subject later...

Here are some more of my favs that she captured:


  1. you are so cute! I love the one with the sunset peeking in between you - its a beautiful photo. xo

  2. Love these shots!";) You look beautiful and you both are beaming!

  3. Kim you are absolutely beautiful!! These pics are amazing, so glad you were able to sneak them in. Been thinking of you lots - keep us posted on how things are going!

  4. Those are so cute! Hope you're doing well, the girls ave been giving updates.

  5. I'm looking forward to seeing you on Sunday.

  6. Hi There, I got to your blog from Michelle Gwen's blog. Gotta love blog stocking :-)! I think I recognize you from WSU...we may have had a class or two together. Just wanted to send some good twinnies thoughts your way as I know personally how HARD bedrest is & how scary things can get with a twins pregnancy. I did 6 weeks of strict bedrest starting at 29 weeks & mine stayed put and delivered at 38 weeks! Best of luck to you on this journey. Twins are such a blessing!
